Recovery Friendly Workplaces (RFWs)
Recovery Friendly Workplaces (RFWs) support their communities by recognizing recovery from substance use disorder as a strength and by being willing to work intentionally with people in recovery. RFWs encourage a healthy and safe environment where employers, employees, and communities can collaborate to create positive change and eliminate barriers for those impacted by addiction.
What is a Recovery Friendly Workplace?
What we do?
A Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) supports the health, wellness, and safety of its employees by educating about substance use disorder (SUD), and creating an environment conducive to the journey of recovery. Working to reduce the stigma often associated with the disease of addiction, SUDs, and recovery.
The mission of the Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) Illinois is to promote individual wellness by creating work environments that further mental and physical well-being of employees; proactively preventing substance misuse and supporting recovery in the workplace.
End the stigma around addiction and foster a culture of recovery to help save lives and strengthen communities.​ To create safe and welcoming workplaces which supports and celebrates recovery.
What is recovery?
Recovery is personal, and can hold different meanings for each individual on their recovery journey. According to SAMHSA, Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.
Elements of Wellness are: Environmental, Spiritual, Financial, Occupational, Social, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional.

Benefits to Employers
Increase productivity (healthier, more motivated workforce)​
Less absenteeism​
Better retention/less turnover​
Increase customer loyalty​
Community Partnerships/exposure/connection (employer standpoint)​
Strong, positive message to current and potential employees and customers​
Healthier, happier employees​
Higher morale​
Support avenues for people who may need help/be at risk​
National & Other States
The RFW initiative has spread across the country, with over 35 entities and 25+ states with a similar initiative to meet the needs of their communities.
To learn more about the work that is being done in other states around Recovery Friendly Workplace contact us here.
Many thanks to Samantha Lewandowski, Director of New Hampshire’s Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative, for creating this interactive map and all of her technical support.
National Strategy and Recovery-Ready Workplace Resources here.

Recovery Friendly Workplace Checklist
Submit a letter of interest to learn more about the Recovery Friendly Workplace.